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web components
Front end

What are Web Components?

Web Components are a set of standards that allow the creation of user interface components without relying on external libraries. They consist of custom elements, shadow DOM, and HTML templates. These technologies will enable the creation of universal components that work natively in browsers, meaning they can be used independently of libraries such as React, Vue, or Angular. As a result, web components offer greater flexibility and interoperability between different frameworks, limited only by the browser’s support for these standards
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cena strony www
Web design

How much does a website cost?

The average cost of creating a website ranges from $1,000 to $50,000 or more. It is an important investment for any business and can significantly improve a company’s visibility and profits. Understanding the components of the cost of building a website is critical to effectively planning and executing the project. This article shares our practical knowledge to help you effectively plan your project budget.
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web usability
Web design

Web usability

Website usability refers to how easily a user can navigate and interact with a website or project. It focuses on the straightforwardness and intuitiveness of the site’s design and functionality, aiming to provide a seamless and satisfying experience for its users. In the following article we will introduce you to the most effective and best practices for web usability.
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performance landing page
Web design

How to improve landing page performance

Improving a landing page is often a multi-stage process preceded by research and testing. Activities that help to optimise a landing page can include, for example: checking what needs to be fixed, adding trust signals like e.g.: trust marks, or certifications, monitor on-page behavior or user experience testing.
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web components

What are Web Components?

Web Components are a set of standards that allow the creation of user interface components without relying on external libraries. They consist of custom elements, shadow DOM, and HTML templates. These technologies will enable the creation of universal components that work natively in browsers, meaning they can be used independently of libraries such as React, Vue, or Angular. As a result, web components offer greater flexibility and interoperability between different frameworks, limited only by the browser’s support for these standards
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cena strony www

How much does a website cost?

The average cost of creating a website ranges from $1,000 to $50,000 or more. It is an important investment for any business and can significantly improve a company’s visibility and profits. Understanding the components of the cost of building a website is critical to effectively planning and executing the project. This article shares our practical knowledge to help you effectively plan your project budget.
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web usability

Web usability

Website usability refers to how easily a user can navigate and interact with a website or project. It focuses on the straightforwardness and intuitiveness of the site’s design and functionality, aiming to provide a seamless and satisfying experience for its users. In the following article we will introduce you to the most effective and best practices for web usability.
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performance landing page

How to improve landing page performance

Improving a landing page is often a multi-stage process preceded by research and testing. Activities that help to optimise a landing page can include, for example: checking what needs to be fixed, adding trust signals like e.g.: trust marks, or certifications, monitor on-page behavior or user experience testing.
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mobile app maintenance

Mobile app maintenance: The Complete Guide

We live in a time of digital revolution, with more than 4.88 billion people worldwide using smartphones. Mobile apps are essential for many people to work and live their daily lives efficiently. It is crucial not only to create practical and innovative apps but also to maintain them continuously. Those that are insufficiently convenient and useful will be removed. A well-maintained app lasts longer. However, it must respond to user needs and work with new software
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app development platforms

Mobile application development platforms

Mobile app platforms are advanced software supporting the development of applications for various operating systems, such as iOS, Android or Windows. They enable developers to work efficiently and effectively on designing, testing and deploying mobile applications. In the following article, we will take a closer look at popular mobile app development platforms.
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